
UBold comes with multiple overall color schemes. Currently there are six themes available: Default (Default), Creative, Modern, Saas, Purple and Material. Each of these are available in dark mode as well. You can switch to any of them by simply making one line change in the code.

Open src/App.tsx file and on top of the file, simply import the respective scss file. e.g. search for "Default.scss". Here you can simply uncomment import statement for creative or saas or material or modern or purple or material. Make sure to comment the import statement of other themes, otherwise your bundle would have css compiled for all the themes.

Following table is containing file list for each respective theme/demo:

Theme/Demo Scss File
Default (Default) /assets/scss/Default.scss
Saas /assets/scss/Saas.scss
Modern /assets/scss/Modern.scss
Creative /assets/scss/Creative.scss
Purple /assets/scss/Purple.scss
Material /assets/scss/Material.scss