File Structure

Extract the zip file you received after purchase and you would find the "react" folder in it with exact below files and folders:

    ├── docs
    ├── adminto
    │   ├── package.json                => Package json file
    │   ├──                   => Create react app read me file
    │   ├── public
    │   │   └── index.html
    │   │   └── favicon.ico
    │   │   └── manifest.json
    │   ├── src/
    │   │   └── assets                    
    │   │       └── fonts               => fonts files
    │   │       └── images              => images
    │   │       └── scss                => scss style files
    │   │   └── components              => Reusable components
    │   │   └── constants               => App level constants
    │   │   └── helpers                 => Helper Utilities - including fake-backend, api utils, etc
    │   │   └── hooks                   => Hooks - Custom hooks
    │   │   └── layouts                    
    │   │       └── Auth                => Default layout - having no topbar, sidebar or footer - mainly used in auth pages
    │   │       └── HorizontalLayout    => Horizontal Topbar and top navbar, footer and right side bar
    │   │       └── VerticalLayout      => Left side navbar with topbar, footer and right side bar
    │   │
    │   │   └── locales                 => i18n - internationalization related file    
    │   │   └── pages                   => All the pages available in the theme
    │   │   └── redux                   => Redux folder containing module wise actions, reducers, sagas, store, etc
    │   │   └── routes                  => Application router implementation
    │   │   └── utils                   => Common utilities
    │   │   └── App.tsx                 => Main application component
    │   │   └── i18n.ts                 => internationalization
    │   │   └── global.d.ts             => globally-accessible libraries